+44 (0)1908 690090

Fuel Emissions Compliance

Most train operators are targeted by their franchise agreements to reduce their fleet CO2 emissions by 2~2.5% per annum. These targets are agreed and set by government as a pre-condition of their franchise agreements, so that operators deliver reductions in line with the global treaty targets agreed at the Kyoto Protocol and the Copenhagen Accord summits.

Although rail franchise operators by virtue of sheer vehicle passenger density, enjoy a much lower carbon footprint per passenger than any other form of public transport, they are still legally required to meet these emission targets and reduce their fleet CO2 emissions by a total of 26% by 2020 and by a huge 80% by 2050.

In part they will aim to achieve this by working with ROSCO’s and track infrastructure owners, who are investing heavily in track electrification programmes and electric trains to deliver cleaner long-term rail transportation and meet the 2050 targets.

This forward thinking investment will change the fundamental nature of their carbon footprint by hugely reducing soot particle matter (PM2.5) emissions, CO2 emissions and toxic gas emissions (NO2 + NO1 + SO2) in a single move towards more electrified rolling stock. These five gases are not only responsible for most of our urban air pollution, but also for the majority of our global warming emissions too.

As a result, the rail industries reliance on diesel locomotives and DMU’s will not suddenly disappear overnight, in fact studies actually show that over the next 10~15 years, it may actually increase because of many factors. Not least because of new innovations and improvements in hybrid engine technology and cleaner fuels (like FPC). But also because of the ROI for investors of existing infrastructure and the time it will take to design and build the new train technologies.

Old or new all diesel powered rolling stock will still need to meet the targets over the next 10~15 years to help rail operators and ROSCO’s comply with current legislation – For this to happen they will need to invest in new fuel technologies to help reduce their current emissions and new analytics technology to help prove compliance and avoid government fines.

We can help you save money and save the planet by helping you gain emissions credits and reducing your life-cycle costs at the same time.

Here are some FACTS to back-up the science:

Fuel treated with FPC will deliver:

Greenhouse Gas Reductions:

Carbon Dioxide Emissions (CO2) Reduced by 5 ~ 8%
Hydrocarbon Emissions (HC) Reduced by 10 ~ 38% (In Field Trials > 80%)
Particle Matter Emissions (PM2.5) Reduced by 20 ~ 45% (In Field Trials >72%)

Toxic Gas Reductions:

Carbon Monoxide Emissions (CO) Reduced by 20 ~ 25% (In Field Trails > 50%)
Sulphur Dioxide Emissions (SO2) Reduced by 25 ~ 32%
Nitrogen Dioxide Emissions (NO2) Reduced by 5 ~ 12%
Nitrogen Monoxide Emissions (NO) Reduced by 4 ~ 11%